
PlasmaFAIR Supported and Assessed Software


Gyrokinetics is a branch of theoretical plasma physics that aims to provide a detailed description of plasma behaviour at length scales down to the gyroradius. It is commonly used by tokamak scientists to describe the turbulent transport effects that tend to dominate at the temperatures and pressures necessary to achieve practical fusion energy.


openmc-plasma-source is a Python package that simplifies the creation of neutron sources for OpenMC Monte-Carlo simulations in tokamaks. It allows users to create point sources, ring sources, and randomised collections of ring sources called TokamakSource.


Paramak is a Python package for generating 3D CAD models of fusion reactors. It is designed to rapidly produce tokamak geometries for parametric studies, and provides numerous standard CAD formats such as STP, STL and Brep.


Fortran-git-version extracts Fortran package version information from a git repository, instead of hard-coding it in a source file.


Tokamesh is a Python package for generating and working with triangular meshes for tomographic inversion problems in tokamaks. Its features include barycentric linear-interpolation, and local mesh refinement, both of which enable creation of smaller meshes with a lower number of basis functions than more traditional approaches.